Surgery Support

MLD can play an important role both before and after surgery, helping prepare the body for surgery and then aiding the process of recovery.

  • Pre-operative MLD – in the week or two weeks before the operation 
  • Post-operative MLD – both during the early/repair stage (from 5 days post-operation to 3 weeks post-operation) and remodeling phases (from 3 weeks post-operatively until 2 years post-operatively).
  • Scar-tissue massage.
Yet, once the surgery is finished, people suddenly realize that they did not dedicate nearly enough attention to the recovery stage of the process. They can find themselves dealing with discomfort, or sometimes, some pain, struggling with support garments, and having difficulty sleeping or performing basic tasks. Often, once away from their surgeon and the support staff at the hospital, they find themselves without encouragement – and begin to feel abandoned and isolated – perhaps even overcome with second thoughts. Compounding the problem is the persistent swelling, tender bruises, and the appearance of scar tissue that can seem to sabotage the benefits of the surgery.
Doctors and aestheticians find that pre-operative MLD treatments help not only with the relaxation of their patients, but also help to get the lymphatic system in peak condition, in order to overcome the imminent trauma of surgery in the best possible way: to help reduce swelling and bruising, to keep the lymph system operating at optimal levels to accelerate the upcoming healing process, to encourage better scar formation and ultimately reveal the new you in less time.
Using MLD, we can help remove the red blood cells from the connective tissue before they have a chance to become organised into haematomas (bruises). If MLD begins soon after surgery, say within 48 hours post-surgery, bruises can be drained via the lymph system. As MLD is very light, the bruises can be worked on without causing pain.
Thus, during the earliest part of the treatment we work to assist the major lymphatic structures in moving the stockpile of accumulated fluid that has overwhelmed the normal flow of lymph. Then, gradually, in further treatments we bring attention to the areas that are specific to the patient’s needs, including areas that are still tender, painful, swollen and/or oedematous.
In addition, pain is alleviated as MLD removes the excess fluid which compresses nerves and thus produces pain. In addition, MLD lessens the itching felt as healing takes place along the scar-lines.
There is thus no doubt that the timely inclusion of MLD as part of the healing process plays a major part in the journey to full recovery. The longer it takes for tissues to decongest, the more time and opportunity there is for scar tissue to literally settle in and take hold. Scar tissue limits movement and can be the source of unwanted/unnatural appearances.

To find out how to make a booking, or find out more about how MLD can benefit you, please contact Carolyn on 072 147 6747 or email

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